Mary Doran, Cookie Monster A-dor-a-ble!

An unexpected gift greeted me as Le Gourmet Valet pulled up for a meal delivery a week ago Saturday! Mary Doran! Mary Doran is the 18 month old walking-talking adorable daughter to Tara, our LGV meal recipient and Ryan, the meal giver. Decked out in her red and white smocked whale dress to coordinate with her outing of the day (the aquarium, why of course!), Mary Doran was the Side Dish I needed to finish off a great but exhausting week!
A call from Ryan 48 hours prior, asked me to deliver the meal of the week. I asked if it was for 2 adults and he said yes, plus a toddler who could share off Mommy’s plate. Sure!
So I arrive at Tara and Mary Doran’s University Park home and to my surprise, Tara is surprised! Tara had no idea her husband had ordered her a meal although she was suspicious something was up since he told her not to make any dinner plans, to be at home at 7:00 and to invite a girlfriend. As it turns out, Ryan, was out of town and wanted to give Tara’s week a special and effortless ending. Sweet, huh?
Back to Mary Doran! Tara emailed me how much they enjoyed the dinner and that the short breads were maybe the best ever AND Mary Doran adored them, the ultimate complement! I immediately asked Tara, if I brought them more short breads, would it be okay if I took some photos of Mary Doran? Tara loved the idea and this is what happened next! Thanks to Tara and Ryan for sharing their most valuable treasure and making her into an LGV Cookie Monster!